To support the use of sustainable transportation, goDCgo launched a summer awareness campaign to encourage bicycling throughout Washington, DC and surrounding counties. The goGREEN to saveGREEN strategic and creative concept heavily focused on the benefits of biking, especially environmentally and financially, along with useful resources like safe riding tips, trip planning, and trails to encourage more activity. The messaging emphasized that biking is healthy and reduces pollutants in our nation’s capital and is much cheaper than maintaining a car. So, if you “goGREEN” by riding a bike, you can “saveGREEN!”
The call-to-action incentivized users to take goDCgo’s “Pledge to Pedal” (i.e. fill-out a form pledging to bike more) for the chance to win a brand new bike.
Officially running May 28 through July 12, 2019, with a budget of $7,500, the bike culture campaign was primarily promoted through organic channels and paid digital sponsorships, and shared with goDCgo partners. The campaign was later extended through July 31, 2019.
The target audience included DC residents and District area locals, Metrorail and Metrobus commuters, and solo drivers. The secondary audience consisted of influencers i.e. employers who can implement policies that encourage employees to bike to work; and bike ambassadors who can influence potential new bike riders.
goDCgo’s promotional efforts were mainly digital, utilizing platforms like radio, display ads, emails, andsocial media due to the limited spending budget.
Through this campaign, we garnered 922 “Pledges to Pedal,” well exceeding our goal of 250 pledges. The commuter subscriber list also grew by 476 contacts which can be credited to campaign outreach. We can continue to engage this audience through monthly newsletters and dedicated emails with information related to biking. We nearly met all web and engagement goals besides total pageviews, detailed below. The number of 2019 bike map downloads also fell a bit short with just 85 total.
Bike Page Views on goDCgo Website
"Pledges to Pedal"
Social Media Engagements
Paid Sponsorships or Partnerships
This campaign comprehensively and successfully utilized a variety of marketing and communications strategies that led to increased awareness and ridership in biking. It serves as a prime example that other TDM programs could model, especially if on a limited budget. We were forced to get creative and resort to underutilized resources like Capital Bikeshare which actually made a huge difference in campaign success. And despite not being able to go as big as we wanted, we were still able to work with recognizable partners and influencers and ran several successful ads. As goDCgo’s first-ever bike campaign, it well exceeded expectations and was well received by the audience